In order to obtain your personal injury case’s maximum potential damages, your Orange Park personal injury attorney knows proper medical expense documentation is crucial. The following guidelines will help you and your attorney obtain the medical expense documents your case will require.
Your Orange Park Personal Injury Attorney Should Ask You to Verify the Medical Records.
Before submitting a demand to the insurance company, your attorney should send you the list of medical expense bills he or she has and request that you cross-check it with the record of expenses you have. By matching each medical bill with each medical visit, you can verify that your attorney has received copies of every bill you received.
Before Mailing a Settlement Request, Your Orange Park Personal Injury Attorney Should Make Contact With All Your Medical Providers.
One of the final steps your attorney should perform before mailing the insurance company a settlement request is to telephone each medical provider in order to determine if any undocumented medical bills are outstanding. Your attorney will want to determine:
• If all bills have been completely paid;
• If they have not, what bills are still outstanding?; and
• If the bills in question have been included in the request for settlement.
By taking the time to make sure no outstanding bills exist, your Orange Park personal injury lawyer will prevent the added expense, effort and time of dealing with bills that are discovered after settlement has occurred.
Medical Expense Form
The following expense sheet is an example of one you can utilize to keep track of all medical prescriptions, visits and other expenses.
Client’s Record of Medical Expense
Client Name:
Injury Date:
Date of Service Medical Provider Purpose of Service Amount Date sent to lawyer
1/12/13 Dr. Ron Jones Check knee $68.00 4/2/13
1/20/13 Drug Store Pain meds $17.90 6/1/13
Obtaining Legal Counsel
If you would like to speak with an experienced and knowledgeable Orange Park personal injury lawyer concerning your personal injury medical expenses, please contact John Fagan at 904-278-1000 and request a free consultation.