If you or a loved one suffered injuries from a dog bite/attack, seek medical attention immediately. Once you have been treated for your injury, consult with a Jacksonville dog bite attorney to explore your legal right to compensation for your injuries, pain, and suffering.
Florida law provides several different grounds that you can rely on to recover damages for dog bite injuries.
Strict liability statute
The owner of any dog that bites any person while the person is in a public place, or lawfully in a private place, including on the dog owner’s property, is liable for damages suffered by person bitten. The dog does not need have bitten anyone before, and you do not have to prove that the dog owner was negligent. Unless the victim was under the age of six, the dog owner won’t be liable under this law if he or she posted a sign warning of a “Bad Dog.” This law applies to dog owners only, so it doesn’t help you recover compensation from a non-owner who was keeping the dog.
Scienter (the one bite rule)
This legal rule allows a dog bite victim to recover damages from the dog owner or from a non-owner who was keeping the dog. The victim must prove both that the dog bit someone or acted aggressively in the past, and the owner or keeper knew about it.
A negligence claim can be brought against the dog owner or other person keeping the dog. To succeed, you need to prove that the owner or keeper was careless (i.e., failed to act as a reasonable person would have under the circumstances), and that the carelessness caused your injury.
Negligence per se
This is another claim that can be brought against the dog owner or keeper. Here you need to show that the dog owner or keeper violated a law designed to protect the public (e.g., a leash law), and as a consequence, you were bitten.
Depending on the facts of your case, other causes of action may apply. For example, if you experience severe emotional distress accompanied by physical injuries, your Jacksonville dog bite attorney would allege Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress in your lawsuit.
John Fagan Accident Lawyers will identify and allege all the applicable causes of action against all responsible defendants to obtain a favorable resolution to your lawsuit.
Retaining a Jacksonville Dog Bite Injury Attorney
Depending on the severity of your injury, dog bites can be debilitating and traumatic. Your first priority is healing; our first priority is successfully representing our clients to recover the maximum compensation for their injuries.
John Fagan Accident Lawyers possesses the skill, knowledge, and expertise to successfully represent clients who have suffered dog bite injuries. Please contact John Fagan Accident Lawyers at (904) 215-5555 to discuss your potential lawsuit with a seasoned Jacksonville dog bite attorney.