
Investigation Routines

A Jacksonville personal injury attorney can explain the tactics that an insurance company may use to investigate your case. One such strategy is conducting an activity check.

Jacksonville personal injury attorney

Activity Check Routine

This type of investigation involves a claims adjuster acting more like a private investigator. He or she may “canvas the neighborhood” in order to learn about your habits. He or she may question neighbors about your physical condition and your daily routines.

Common Questions

Some of the questions that a claims adjuster may ask include the following:

  • Have you seen the claimant doing yard work?
  • Have you seen the claimant repairing his or her vehicle?
  • Is the claimant physically active?
  • Are you aware of the claimant’s alleged disability?

Effect of Investigation

Some of the information gathered during this type of investigation may not negatively impact your case or be admissible in court. However, if an adjuster learns that a claimant is physically active despite reports to the contrary, additional work may go into the case. The insurance company may hire a private investigator who can take photographs or video of the claimant engaging in these activities that can have a negative impact on the case. It can raise questions about your credibility and the validity of your claim.

To learn about other investigative strategies, contact Jacksonville personal injury attorney John Fagan. Call him at (904) 278-1000 to schedule a confidential consultation and to learn about the options available for your case.

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