Insurance adjusters will use a variety of techniques in an attempt to lowball you in regards to your settlement offer. An experienced injury lawyer in Orange Park is well aware of these tactics, and can tell you how they might affect your case.
The Hardship Defense
The “hardship defense” occurs when an insurance adjuster tries to find out if you were (or are) unemployed or attempts to determine if you are in a low-income group. Adjusters know that claimants will usually accept lower offers if they have an urgent need for funds. This is a technique that your injury lawyer in Orange Park will be familiar with and can help you guard against.
Leaving It to the Jury
Sometimes, an insurance claims representative may learn that the claimant is a landlord with several properties, or has other forms of wealth. Adjusters know that juries do not look kindly on these types of individuals and will rarely reward them with large settlements. Talk to your injury lawyer in Orange Park to determine what can be done to combat this lowballing tactic.
If another party is responsible for your injury, you deserve compensation. An injury attorney in Orange Park is your best defense against adjusters who try to deny it to you.
Defend Yourself From Lowballing—Speak to an Injury Attorney in Orange Park Today
For more information about lowballing tactics used by unscrupulous adjusters, consult with a skilled injury attorney in Orange Park. Call John Fagan at 904-278-1000 today for a free initial consultation.