
Florida Governor Rick Scott Signs 11 Bills Into Law

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – On Tuesday, May 9, 2017, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed the following bills into law.

CS/SB 10 “Lake Okeechobee Bill” – This bill allocates funds for a reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee and provides a loan for the construction of the C-51 reservoir. Click HERE to see Governor Scott’s statement on this bill.
CS/CS/HB 111 Public Records/Identity of Witness to a Murder – This bill creates a public records exemption for criminal intelligence or criminal investigative information that reveals personal identifying information of a witness to a murder.
CS/CS/HB 151 “Therapy Dog for Children Bill” – This bill allows children, victims, and individuals with intellectual disabilities to use therapy animals and facility dogs in legal proceedings.
About this bill, Governor Scott said, “This legislation will help children and individuals with unique abilities in our state as they face some of the most challenging times in their life. I cannot imagine the emotional toll these terrible circumstances place on our state’s most vulnerable populations. The comfort and support provided by therapy animals can make a profound difference in someone’s life and I’m proud to sign HB 151 today.”

CS/HB 221 “Uber/ Lyft Bill” – This bill sets consistent operating standards throughout Florida for ridesharing companies such as Uber and Lyft, including requirements for insurance coverage and driver background checks.
About this bill, Governor Scott said, “I’m proud to sign this legislation today to make it easier for ridesharing companies to thrive in Florida and help ensure the safety of our families. Florida is one of the most business-friendly states in the nation because of our efforts to reduce burdensome regulations and encourage innovation and job creation across all industries, including transportation. I look forward to seeing the continued growth of ridesharing companies in our state.”

Cissy Proctor, Executive Director of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, said, “This legislation will ensure the innovative ridesharing network across Florida continues to thrive. Helping Florida businesses grow is critical to our economy, and this bill will also empower workers across the state to work when and where they want to meet the needs of their families.”

CS/HB 239 Public Records/Protective Injunction Petitions – This bill creates a public records exemption for petitions for protection against domestic violence, stalking or cyberstalking if it is dismissed.
CS/HB 305 Law Enforcement Body Cameras – This bill allows a law enforcement officer using a body camera to review the recorded footage before writing a report or providing a statement.
CS/HB 399 Guardianship – This bill revises procedures relating to incapacity hearings and the circumstances under which the court may approve divorce for persons under the protection of a guardianship.
CS/HB 401 Notaries Public – This bill allows public notaries to accept a veteran health information card issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as a valid form of I.D.
HB 671 Reemployment Assistance Fraud – This bill authorizes the Department of Economic Opportunity to access digital records maintained by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to prevent reemployment assistance claims fraud.
CS/CS/HB 805 Relating to Insurance Policy Transfers – This bill allows an insurer to transfer a residential or commercial residential property insurance policy to an authorized insurer of the same group or owned by the same holding company.
CS/HB 6533 Relief/Jennifer Wohlgemuth/Pasco County Sheriff’s Office – This bill directs Pasco County and the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office to compensate the family of Jennifer Wohlgemuth for injuries sustained in an incident involving the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office.

To view a copy of the transmittal letter, click HERE.

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