
2018’s 10 best states to drive in

To compare all 50 states evenly, Wallethub used four dimensions in their evaluation: cost of ownership and maintenance; traffic and infrastructure; safety; and access to vehicles and maintenance.
Getting stuck in traffic is one of the worst ways drivers can spend their time on the road.

Fortunately for many drivers across the country, traffic isn’t much of a concern in their state. This is great for drivers and insureds alike. Traffic can result in vehicles being exposed to a number of adverse road conditions, many of which can big implications on a drivers’ wallet and insurance policy.

A recent study by Wallethub examined the best and worst states to drive in this year. To compare all 50 states evenly, Wallethub used four dimensions in their evaluation: cost of ownership and maintenance; traffic and infrastructure; safety; and access to vehicles and maintenance. They evaluated those dimensions using 23 relevant metrics; each was graded on a 100-point scale, with a score of 100 representing the best for drivers.

With this in mind, which states are a breeze to drive through in 2018?
10. Illinois Total score: 59.36 Safety rank: 5
9. Arkansas Total score: 59.77 Safety rank: 39
8. Alabama Total Score: 60.53 Safety Rank: 46
7. Georgia Total Score: 60.70 Safety Rank: 30
6. Oregon Total Score: 60.86 Safety Rank: 21
5. North Carolina Total Score: 61.72 Safety Rank: 26
4. Iowa Total Score: 62.48 Safety Rank: 25
3. Nebraska Total Score: 63.09 Safety Rank: 29
2. Kansas Total Score: 63.56 Safety Rank:27
1. Texas Total Score: 63.68 Safety Rank:23

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