Our Values

Our Values

Respect For Our Clients

Representing accident victims is an enormous responsibility. Whether our client has a non-surgical back or neck condition or has suffered a catastrophic injury, we know the importance of treating each client with our full attention and respect. We manage your accident injury claim because YOU ARE one of us. We know and understand that no matter how many clients we represent, your case is the most important one to you.

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Our team brings years of injury claim expertise and know-how to the table, but as the client, you are the best barometer of your want case. We keep regular contact with our clients. We make sure to get your feedback on our strategies and work to understand how you feel. The more we communicate and put our heads together, the better result for you.

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When we manage injury claims for our clients, there’s no information or data we won’t share with you, good or bad. If we make a mistake, we own up to it. Our clients can ask us anything and get an honest answer.

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Respect For Each Other

Our team is a tightly knit group of strong-minded members. We foster respect for individuality. A healthy work environment begins with a culture of respect.

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Always Learning

We never stop learning. We operate in a dynamic, ever-changing injury claim environment. The processes we use change and evolve on a regular basis, and if we don’t take time to stay on top of new and successful strategies, our client’s outcomes will suffer. That’s why we put in time and effort to learn new methods & strategies we can put to work for you.

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Compete Against Yourself

Our office environment encourages our team members to deliver the highest quality work for our clients. Intense work and effort can be a healthy by-product of a genuine desire to outperform your own benchmarks. No one should ever be made to feel that they’re not as valuable as anyone else. Our defining value is a deep respect for the needs of clients we manage, regardless of the size of your claim. Our performance affects the money you take home. That’s a responsibility we take very seriously.

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Note from Accident Lawyer John Fagan

I have the great fortune to work with an honest, smart and dedicated team of people. They are the primary reason for our success.

My team and I get to work with incredible clients and colleagues every day. Our clients get me out of bed in the morning, and if it wasn’t for their trust and support, there would be no Accident Lawyers P.A.

So to My Team, And To My Clients, Thank You!

A man giving a thumbs up in front of a sign that says summit

“There’s Never a Fee Unless

We Get Money For You!”

Personal Injury Lawyer

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