
Make Sure You Receive All of the Personal Injury Compensation to Which You Are Entitled

Disability lawyer John Fagan summarizes types of personal injury damages. Call them at 904-278-1000 for a review of your case.Jacksonville personal injury law office

You probably know that damages you can recover after an accident include the costs of repairing or replacing damaged property, medical costs and lost wages if you can’t work while you are recovering. However, the attorneys at your Jacksonville personal injury law office will go beyond these basic damages to seek compensation for losses you may suffer in the future.

Early Retirement
Injuries suffered in an accident can significantly shorten your ability to work long term. This result depends on the type of work you do and the nature of your injuries. Your Jacksonville personal injury attorney will ask your doctor to determine whether any of your injuries are permanent and, if they are, to document the impact on your work life expectancy.

Sale of a Business
This long term effect can be especially significant if you operate your own business. Your attorney will look at how the injuries affect your ability to continue the business, and seek appropriate compensation if you must sell or discontinue it. Establishing the amount of loss in these situations can be complicated, and may require expert testimony from an economist and industry consultant. However, your attorney will know how to best present this part of your case.

Disability lawyer John Fagan can help make sure you receive all of the compensation you are entitled to. Call 904-278-1000 to arrange a consultation.

There’s Never a Fee Unless We Get Money For You

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