If you were permanently disabled or disfigured in an accident, the value of your case will likely increase. It will be important for you to retain a team of knowledgeable Orange park injury lawyers who will assist you in gathering medical evidence of your injury to obtain a fair settlement amount.
Permanent Injuries Increase the Value of Your Case
If you sustained even a minor injury that can be deemed as “permanent,” the value of your case will be boosted. And if your Orange park injury lawyers are able to obtain a corroborating doctor’s opinion, you will most likely receive a significant settlement amount. It’s no secret to Orange park injury lawyers that damages or injuries that are “permanent” are game changers in a personal injury case. In many states the courts will give special instructions to the juries on how to consider permanent impairments.
Even Minor Permanent Injuries Will Raise the Value of Small Personal Injury Case
Even if your permanent injuries are not serious enough to result in high medical bills or loss of wages, your settlement value will still increase if the injuries produced permanent scarring or disfigurement. Savvy Orange park injury lawyers recognize that these marks are dramatically visible to the jury. Some examples of permanent disfigurement are:
- Scars (juries will be more sympathetic to scars left on faces, especially on women)
- Burns
- Dog bite marks
- Jurors who observe such injuries will be more inclined to award damages that are significantly more than damages for just pain and suffering.
What Should I Do if My Scar or Disfigurement Is Likely to Be Permanent?
Your Orange park injury attorneys will instruct you to get treated by a plastic surgeon or specialist in order to create medical documentation of your permanent injury. He will also urge you to have a professional photographer to take pictures of your scar or mark. There is perhaps no better evidence your Orange park injury lawyer can use to prove your permanent injuries and obtain a high settlement amount than photographic evidence of your injuries.
Contact Us
The Orange park injury lawyers at the law offices of John Fagan will provide sound legal assistance and an assuring voice to plaintiffs who are coping with permanent damages from an accident. For a free initial consultation, call today at 904-278-1000.