If you have received a favorable verdict your personal injury trial, you will likely wonder when you will receive your monetary settlement. It usually takes anywhere from a few weeks to a month to receive your settlement. An Orange Park accidents attorney can discuss this timeline with you, as well as tell you what to expect from your specific case. The tally of the final settlement figures, along with interest, court costs, legal fees and any other deductions, can also be explained by an Orange Park accidents lawyer.
An Orange Park Accidents Attorney Discusses What to Do If You Lose Your Injury Case
If you and your Orange Park accidents lawyer have prepared well for trial; i.e. submitted all applicable medical documents, police accident reports, billing records, etc., and liability for your personal injury(s) is clearly on behalf of the defendant, you have a strong chance of winning your case. However, all cases are different, and there is always a chance that a judge will not rule in your favor. If this happens, you have a legal right to an appeal. Appeals processes are quite expensive, though, and an experienced Orange Park accidents attorney can discuss whether or not an appeal is in your best interests.
Call a Qualified Orange Park Accidents Lawyer to Learn More
Although in rare cases an insurance company might offer a small consolation settlement to avoid appeal, your main focus should be on winning your trial in the first place. An Orange Park accidents attorney at John Fagan Accident Lawyers can work on the details of your case, and make sure everything is prepared for a speedy and effective trial. To schedule a consultation, call today at 904-278-1000.