Although most cases will end up in a settlement, it is a fact that you will receive a higher settlement offer if your accidents lawyer in Orange Park is ready, willing and able to go to trial. Two fundamental aspects of trial preparation involve the evidence and the damages.
Preparing the evidence
Your lawyer will:
Obtain photos of the scene of the incident, including the vehicles or products involved, the client’s injuries and the client’s other damages
- Preserve all physical evidence for use as exhibits
- Send an evidence preservation letter to opposing counsel
- Meet and confer with opposing counsel to exchange information and agree to preserve and exchange any electronically stored evidence
Establishing the damages
Liability is one issue, but the dollar value of your recovery will depend on the proof of your damages. Your lawyer will:
- Obtain the client’s complete medical file
- Prepare a detailed list of all medical expenses
- Obtain all property damage documentation
- Obtain a complete record of all loss of income and other benefits
- Prepare a complete list of witnesses and subpoena those witnesses for trial
John Fagan, an accidents lawyer in Orange Park, understands the issues that come into play in a personal injury case. Ultimately, the ability to prevail in a trial is the best way to insure you are compensated for all that you have lost. Every case should be handled as if trial were inevitable. Mr. Fagan provides a complimentary consultation to explain the process. Call (904) 215-5555 today.